A new look and vision after 7 years EVOOSOMMELIER.COM

Time flies and so does the longing for my country of birth, the Netherlands. This website had been my digital tool to reach out to the Dutch people and teach them about Olive Oil. When we moved to Portugal to pursue the dream of olive farming the website remained and I would fly to the Netherlands to do tastings and workshops. But the pandemic and changing of (basically) everything did make me realise I shouldn't travel so much anymore as there are now olive oil sommeliers everywhere. And thankfully my knowledge became more valuable here in Portugal and so the idea to change the website was on my mind for a long time. But there was no rain to justify a laptop day to start....
But then rain came and I can present the ongoing project little by little...
EVOOSOMMELIER will be the platform where you can find people like me. If you want to organise a party, an event or workshop. If you want to teach your chefs about foodpairing, if you want someone to help you with selecting olive oils for your shop or for example to go travelling and do some farm tastings. EVOOsommelier can and hopefully will be your starting point.
What I absolutely don't want is discussions about which olive oil sommelier course is best or which olive oil brand is best or which olive oil competition is best. Here it is not about "the Best." Here there are fantastic experts, there is knowledge and lots of information to make you as enthusiastic about EVOO as I am.
Wishing all producers a great harvest and all olive oil lovers some great new EVOO's for next year.
Yours Sincerely,
Marije Passos,
PS: if you are an evoosommelier and want to help send me a message.